Daily Archives: January 15, 2012




Each January we get to go to a “Kick-off Black Tie Event ” with all of our AFLAC friends. This is an awards banquet, informational and motivational meeting rolled all in one. After the awards banquet they always have an entertainment for us ( usually a band and dancing) The weekend always involves way to much food and staying up way too late! ( late for us 50somethings is not nearly as late for those 20 and 30somethings )

Here is a pic of the shoes I started the night with and the shoes I ended the night with!


ALFAC is a great company founded on christian values and great business ethics. They take care of not only their policy holders but also their employees. We love being a part of  the AFLAC family.  They have an amazing Cancer Center for Children that is recognized as one of the top treatment centers for children… here is a link to their homepage if you would like more info….   http://www.choa.org/cancer
